PBIS in the Classroom
You might know classroom PBIS as positive classroom behavior support, positive and proactive classroom management, or by some other similar sounding name. They’re all different ways of describing the same critical features of PBIS – practices, data, and systems – tailored to create better outcomes in your classrooms.
Aiming to decrease School Push-Out and create a more positive school culture, the Restorative Practices (RP) approach uses various communicative techniques focused on affective statements and proactive community building activities."
- Emily Riley, Getting Smart: Implementing Restorative Practices in the Classroom
PBIS Teacher Resources
Teaching behavioral expectations and rewarding students for following those pro-social behaviors is a much more positive approach than waiting for misbehavior to occur before responding.
DMHS PBIS DocumentsClick below on the buttons to access the DMHS PBIS documents.
Social Skills ListsThe 16 social skills should be visible in each classroom for all students to see.
Web ResourcesClick below for further PBIS & Restorative Practices Resources